No matter how damn ugly you are, there are certain things you can do to make sure that you stand out from the crowd. For men we’re incredibly lucky… why? Because we can engineer our looks to make us appear more attractive to the opposite sex and it can be done fairly cheaply too.
Below I’m going to show you how to dress better so you can dial up your attraction quickly, let’s get on with it.
1. Switch to slim fit
It’s not the 90’s anymore. You don’t need to wear baggy clothes that don’t fit. Aim for slim fitting clothes that hug your body. I’m not talking about skinny fitting clothes that act like another layer of skin and make you look as though you’ve spray painted your clothes on… HELL NO!
Just opt for slimmer fitting items, jeans, t-shirts, jumpers… everything.
2. Get some trendy shoes
Women love a man with great shoes. You don’t need to spend a fortune on them either, just go for shoes that look nice and go with every outfit. Things like desert boots, loafers and boat shoes.
3. Trim your stubble
Any man can look more attractive if they just grow and trim their stubble. Grow your facial hair for about 5 days and then begin trimming it from that point on. You will accentuate your jawline, look more handsome and women will respond to you differently.
4. Get a tailored jacket
Tailored jackets are perfect for dinner events, parties, formal settings, casual nights out… pretty much anything. Go for a dark grey and you will never run out of clothes to wear it with. Once you buy one off the peg, get it tailored to your body shape, women will notice this.
5. Get a nice watch
Again, you don’t need to spend a lot on a good watch. But it shouldn’t be a cheap hughstreet brand either. You can buy one second hand on eBay or even Amazon and it will make women take notice. You won’t attract gold diggers, but it shows that you’re a secure, confident and distinguished guy when you buy a good watch.
So there you have it! 5 steps for creating a more attractive you. Go and do everything above right now!